
Loredana (Lyon, 1998) ; (, )

Loredana is wearing the Foca 427. This pair is from the FOCA (Fabbrica Occhiali Ceculoid Affini) haul in 2019. Lyon-born and Brussels-based, she is an artist at Tattoo Studio Because and printmaking student at the Royal Academy of Fines Arts in Brussels.

Loredana collects lamps and chairs, favoring bright colors and vintage designs from the 70s and 80s (we feel you!!). She also has a big collection of plants at home. We caught her in the shop trying on some of our more adventurous frames, so we went in the back to dig up some atypical favorites. She went home with the Foca model, her partner having a laugh at how perfectly they matched her personality ✅

Her Brussels' gems? Parc Léopold, L'Athenée, and the jazz club Sounds.


Model 427
Period 1980s
Manufacturer Foca (Cadore, IT)
Digging Type through a fixer
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