
Pierre (Arlon, 1993) ; (, )

Here is a man that is rather difficult to describe, as his personal french pop project is already called Pierres au pluriel. Many Pierres, then, inside this comedian/french teacher/musician. Many Pierres, but one reason he headed to the store for the first time.

"April 28, 2018, approximately 3am. Most people who celebrated my 25th birthday went on to continue their night somewhere else. The last ones are gesticulating in my flat, when an arm touches my face and brings my glasses down. Fumbling in the dark, I find them lifeless under my foot. The morning after, a piece of Patafix plays the matchmaker between the left temple and the frame, and we continue as if nothing had happened, waiting for something better. For two months. Before giving up and heading to Bidules." More Pierres and more stories ? Go have a listen at his latest project.


Model N/A
Period circa 1950
Manufacturer N/A
Digging Type kinda door-to-door (2018)
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